What is Function Module? Notice: In this article, I will be using the abbreviation “FM” for Function Module or “FMs” for Function Modules. FMs are a set of codes that can be reused by other programs. In other words, it means that instead of copying exactly the same statements within programs, it is much more useful and...

In this article, you will find answers to the most asked questions from newbies about Size Category that we are getting in ABAP Academy. Notice: We will use the abbreviation SC for Size Category in this article. Q: What is Size Category? The SC is basically our “estimation” of how many records the database table...

How to change SAP Easy Access Screen Picture Step By Step as Follows: Step 1: Enter transaction code >SMW0. Step 2: Click on >Binary data for WebRFC applications >Hit Enter. 3) >Hit Execute Button. 4) Go to >Settings >Define MIME Types 5) Click >Create or Hit >F5Type: image/jpg Extension : *.jpg > Hit SAVE . 6)...

Recently we’ve received such email question from our ABAP Academy email subscriber: So here is the answer I recorded for him and source code right below the video: And here is the whole source code of the implemented solution: Do you want your question answered? We are primarily helping people from our email list so make...

In today’s Coaching Session we are discussing what is the difference between database table and internal table within SAP. Do you know what is the difference between them? Here are all the questions we are discussing on this call: What’s the difference between internal tables and transparent tables? How can I access transparent tables? What’s the...

Do you want to know how to change image in SE80 screen to something like this? Video Tutorial – How to Change Image in SE80? Here is a quick guide on how you can do that: More information about changing this SE80 initial screen can be found directly in SAP help: https://help.sap.com/saphelp_tm92/helpdata/en/01/873a965c884dd0b063a4a22e3296cb/content.htm?loaded_from_frameset=true Do you want to run...

I was recently on a call with a guy from India who moved to work in Canada. With his approval, we are able to share a few of his insights on how he was able to make that shift. How can you start moving your career forward? We are able to help you come up with your step-by-step...

Analysis: Whenever you get the “Logon not possible (Error in license check)” message on logon screen, it means that license in your SAP system has expired. When you are administrator of SAP system with ‘SAP Developer License Agreement’, you are easily able to prolong such license. Solution: Click here to get into our detailed step-list...

Lately, I was having a call with one company representative working as a senior ABAP developer who is also in charge of running job interviews. I asked him questions that are important for us since we are helping people to grow their careers as efficiently as possible. That’s why I’m in charge also of creating strategic connections to...

Alright. It happens many times. You are on the long but important meeting, and you get lost in the middle of the discussion. Here is the quick and easy-to-use communication hack I use all the time to save you in this situation. Join our ABAP Academy Community to get more tips like this + other information...