How to import table content in SAP

Step-by-step guidance on how to import table content in SAP into a TOC (Transport of copies) Go to transport organizer SE09 Select: transport of copies modifiable Double click on your transport request Inside of your request, you have to find a table object. In order to import table content, your table object must have two types: TABL...

What is the difference between database table and internal table?

What is the difference between database table and internal table?

In today’s Coaching Session we are discussing what is the difference between database table and internal table within SAP. Do you know what is the difference between them? Here are all the questions we are discussing on this call: What’s the difference between internal tables and transparent tables? How can I access transparent tables? What’s the...

Q&A – How to change code imported from different system

If you have imported your own developments from different SAP system, you may have run into issue that you are not able to edit your older programs.  This is the workaround how you can still access your programs in edit mode: Do you want to run your own SAP system locally even today?

How to Change Image in SE80?

Do you want to know how to change image in SE80 screen to something like this? Video Tutorial – How to Change Image in SE80? Here is a quick guide on how you can do that: More information about changing this SE80 initial screen can be found directly in SAP help: Do you want to run...

Download-and-Run Your Own Local SAP System Within Minutes After Download

AS ABAP 7.50: ASE License Expiring March 31st

UPDATE April 1st 2020, 10:40 AM UCT+1 Status: SAP Server uploaded to the webserver. All ABAP Academy customers running our ABAP Academy Fully Pre-Installed Local SAP System can upgrade for FREE up till April 5th. You can access it through the ABAP Academy Career Growth Dashboard. If you want to get our preinstalled SAP System,...

ABAP Job in Abroad? Insights from ABAP-er who migrated from India to Canada

I was recently on a call with a guy from India who moved to work in Canada. With his approval, we are able to share a few of his insights on how he was able to make that shift. How can you start moving your career forward? We are able to help you come up with your step-by-step...

Logon not possible (Error in license check)

Logon not possible (Error in license check)

Analysis: Whenever you get the “Logon not possible (Error in license check)” message on logon screen, it means that license in your SAP system has expired. When you are administrator of SAP system with ‘SAP Developer License Agreement’, you are easily able to prolong such license. Solution: Click here to get into our detailed step-list...

Now I understand the meaning of Help Library Programs – Ladji

Experience your career growth with us as well.

Latest Job Interview Insights from Person Doing Job Interviews

Lately, I was having a call with one company representative working as a senior ABAP developer who is also in charge of running job interviews.  I asked him questions that are important for us since we are helping people to grow their careers as efficiently as possible. That’s why I’m in charge also of creating strategic connections to...

How to import a transport request with the number which already exists?

We need to import a transport request created in an isolated test system into another isolated teaching system. Usually, this can be done by copying the cofile and datafile of the transport into the transport directory and adding the request to the import queue. But, this transport was created under a number which already exists in our...