Transport control program tp ended with error code 0208
[sociallocker id=1121] Here is the procedure how to solve the problem: Go to STMS transaction -> Transport Routes (Shift+F7) -> Edit -> Save [/sociallocker]
[sociallocker id=1121] Here is the procedure how to solve the problem: Go to STMS transaction -> Transport Routes (Shift+F7) -> Edit -> Save [/sociallocker]
When configuring STMS on your local SAP system, you might get the following problem: RFC communications error with system/destination email@removed _NSP Message no. XT101 Diagnosis An RFC error occurred in the TMS communications layer. Target system: NSP.DOMAIN_NSP(000) Function: TMS_PS_WRITE_PROFILE_TO_DISK RFC message: RFC error when sending logon data. System Response The function terminates. Procedure Correct the...
Get information of class definiton: SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET Get information of interface definiton: SEO_INTERFACE_TYPEINFO_GET Get method definiton: SEO_METHOD_SIGNATURE_GET
-> Go to particular data source-> then go to data source manage-> select the particular request which you want-> below you have the option like ” update with scheduler “-> then it will show the info package click start the load Then the will load the data to target from PSA If no data targets...
Define function button in GUI status with functional type ‘E’ – Exit command. In Process after input call module at exit command as follows: PROCESS AFTER INPUT.MODULE cancel AT EXIT-COMMAND. And implement module: MODULE cancel INPUT.* Just leave the screen without checking any obligatory fields LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.ENDMODULE. ” CANCEL_POPUP INPUT
Use the following example in your program: * Dynamically sort data using table keyDATA: ls_sort_key_field TYPE abap_sortorder. DATA: lt_sort_key_field TYPE abap_sortorder_tab.LOOP AT it_key INTO ls_key. ls_sort_key_field-name = ls_key-fieldname. APPEND ls_sort_key_field TO lt_sort_key_field.ENDLOOP.TRY. SORT BY (lt_sort_key_field). CATCH cx_sy_dyn_table_ill_comp_val.* Unable to process dynamic sort ENDTRY.
How to dynamically call FOR ALL ENTRIES DATA: lt_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fieldname. CONCATENATE lv_key_field ‘= lt_table-table_line’ INTO lv_where SEPARATED BY space. APPEND lv_where TO lt_where. SELECT fieldname FROM (lv_table) INTO TABLE lt_output FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_table WHERE (lt_where).
Problem During 3.x load into InfoCube (DataSource -> PSA -> InfoCube), loading status stays in the yellow status. Looking into ST22, the following short dump comes up with the exception CX_RSR_X_MESSAGE. Diagnosis The data update was not finished. A short dump has probably been logged in BI. This provides information about the error. System Response “Caller...
There might be a problem when you need to debug such a program, because you never know, when your code will be called.Here is the trick: DATA: lv_counter TYPE i. * Call neverending loop in your code WHILE lv_counter = 0. “this will stop, when you change lv_counter “to s/thing else in debugger ...
After long research of searching function modules,... here is the example: DATA lt_db6 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF db6pmdb02. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_db6> LIKE LINE OF lt_db6. CALL FUNCTION 'DB6_HIS_OVERVIEW'* EXPORTING* CONNECTION = TABLES it_db6pmdb02 = lt_db6 EXCEPTIONS no_history_found = 1 invalid_parameter_set = 2 adbc_error = 3 system_error = 4 OTHERS = 5. READ TABLE lt_db6...