Step-by-step guidance on how to import table content in SAP into a TOC (Transport of copies)
Go to transport organizer SE09
Double click on your transport request
Inside of your request, you have to find a table object.
In order to import table content, your table object must have two types:
By default, your table object has a type TABL
Now add table content type to your table objects.
Select the request which you want to release
Go back to SE09 and click on you transport request
You need to change object type from TABL to TABU
After you change the type
Ignore the warnings
It just says that it is application table which are by default transferred without table content
After you import content into your selected tables you can release TOC. The final result of releasing TOC with table content
Another good tutorial on how to add only specific table content into TOC based on key fields, you can find here.
Once you are done with releasing your TOC and want to import database tables and its table content into another SAP system, check out this step-guide on how to import objects into different SAP systems.