How to manually create files and insert content in them
Content for DOMAIN.CFG
vhcalnplci 00 DOMAIN_NPL generated by software provisioning manager NPL NPL NPL System NPL GROUP_NPL Transport directory of system NPL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution ! This file was generated by the Transport Management System. Do not change this file using a text editor. If this file was destroyed, it can be regenerated in the TMS. To do this, log on to the domain controller (system NPL) and call Transaction STMS. In the System Overview, you can distribute the TMS configuration. This regenerates the file. STMS -> Overview -> Systems -> Extras -> Distribute TMS Configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TMS:0002:DOMAIN_NPL U # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution ! This file was generated by the Transport Management System. Do not change this file using a text editor. For further information please see the online documentation of transaction STMS. If this file was destroyed, it can be regenerated in the TMS. To do this, log on to the domain controller (system NPL) and call Transaction STMS. In the System Overview, you can distribute the TMS configuration. This regenerates the file. STMS -> Overview -> Systems -> Extras -> Distribute TMS Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TRANSDIR = /usr/sap/trans # CL5/DUMMY = 1 CL5/NBUFFORM = 1 CL5/TP_VERSION = 380 # NPL/ABAPNTFMODE = b NPL/NBUFFORM = 1 NPL/TP_VERSION = 380
TMS:0003:DOMAIN_NPL U # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution ! This file was generated by the Transport Management System. Do not change this file using a text editor. For further information please see the online documentation of transaction STMS. If this file was destroyed, it can be regenerated in the TMS. To do this, log on to the domain controller (system NPL) and call Transaction STMS. In the System Overview, you can distribute the TMS configuration. This regenerates the file. STMS -> Overview -> Systems -> Extras -> Distribute TMS Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TRANSDIR = E-/usr/sap/trans # CL5/DUMMY = 1 CL5/NBUFFORM = 1 CL5/TP_VERSION = 380 # NPL/ABAPNTFMODE = b NPL/NBUFFORM = 1 NPL/TP_VERSION = 380