Category: ABAP

Useful ABAP code snippets that can be used in real life projects.

What is & How to Create Function Module in ABAP?

What is Function Module? Notice: In this article, I will be using the abbreviation “FM” for Function Module or “FMs” for Function Modules. FMs are a set of codes that can be reused by other programs. In other words, it means that instead of copying exactly the same statements within programs, it is much more useful and...

What is Size Category?

In this article, you will find answers to the most asked questions from newbies about Size Category that we are getting in ABAP Academy. Notice: We will use the abbreviation SC for Size Category in this article. Q: What is Size Category? The SC is basically our “estimation” of how many records the database table...

SAP Trial license expired? How to prolong SAP Trial license?

If you try to log into your SAP system and you see the message ‘Logon not possible (Error in license check)‘, it means that your SAP system does not contain the most current license. If you are using SAP Netweaver Trial System, SAP offers free access to the system for 3 months. After this period...

ABAP Academy - How to Install SAP on Your Own Machine

How to Install FREE SAP System for Learning ABAP

This updated step-by-step installation guide will help you install SAP software and walk you through the process of getting FREE of any charge & official SAP software locally on your PC, with up-to-date links relevant till the end March 2025. Updated March 2024 We’ve completely updated the step-by-step guide of getting the newest SAP system...

How to Download FREE SAP System for Learning ABAP

(Updated March 2025) In this step-by-step guide, you will Download FREE SAP system and install SAP on your Windows PC (full SAP software netweaver download). This is my attempt to provide you with the fastest way to get your own local SAP system on your Windows PC. ABAP Academy was selling this system till March...

Q&A – Coding Challenge – Numbers dividable by 35

Recently we’ve received such email question from our ABAP Academy email subscriber: So here is the answer I recorded for him and source code right below the video: And here is the whole source code of the implemented solution: Do you want your question answered? We are primarily helping people from our email list so make...

[ABAP from scratch] 5 Relevant Shortcuts To SAP/ABAP career

When you want to get somewhere, you can use weird shortcuts (from the joke below) or effective ones (e.g., using planes instead of cars). BUT, … What does it look like when it comes to getting into SAP/ABAP? What is the relevant shortcut?  (not similar to the picture above) Now, I’m bringing you 5 tips (based on our...

How to Run Program in Background

There are multiple ways how you can to run program in background. Here is the most common one. Go to SE38 (Notice: Make sure you are not in SE80! Main Menu is different there) Fill in your program name which you want to run in Background Go to Main Menu: Program -> Execute -> Background

How to Select Data from Database Table when Searching on Non Key Fields

Sometimes you need to search on data from database table, which are not defined as key fields. In such case, selecting would not be optimal and select may take too much time. Example Lets say we want to use following SELECT on non key fields NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST and NAME_WHOLE: SELECT *       FROM zaa_bd_wpo_vol       INTO table lt_wpo_vol       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_name_search       WHERE ( name_last = lt_name_search-last         AND name_first  = lt_name_search-first )...

What is the difference between database table and internal table?

What is the difference between database table and internal table?

In today’s Coaching Session we are discussing what is the difference between database table and internal table within SAP. Do you know what is the difference between them? Here are all the questions we are discussing on this call: What’s the difference between internal tables and transparent tables? How can I access transparent tables? What’s the...