“DBTAB_NAME” must be a flat structure. Internal tables, strings, references, and structures cannot be used as components.


Why SAP treats the table as a structure?

Why is this error displayed when “DBTAB_NAME” exists in Data Dictionaty as Database Table?

In our case we are dealing with the database table called „ZLR_DDIC_MODEL“:

Here is the syntax error:


Lets take a look to the help.

(Pressing F1 when cursor is on TABLES statement)

In the help we will find out that the database table must be defined as something which is called „Flat Structure“

Flat structure means the following:

So any field in the database table can’t contain either STRING or XSTRING type.

Which in the case of database table „ZLR_DDIC_MODEL“ it contains a field with string type:

That’s why the error occurs with this error message: ” DBTAB_NAME ” must be a flat structure. Internal tables, strings, references, and structures cannot be used as components.

  1. Situs Termurah says:

    What the f*** cant believe it

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