ABAP Academy Development Level Diagnostics Toolkit
Have you been thinking that building great development skills is only about programming? Well, not ..
This is the toolkit that I personally use to help team leaders in companies to diagnose level of their developers, and suggest them their personal roadmap to move forward.
How this toolkit can help YOU?
I meet many coders in various programming levels. Some of them are juniors, starting their development journey. And some of them are experienced coders with few years of experiences.
Each of them have specific programming habits and each of them have their unique way to programming.
And from that point I can start helping them to improve. Not just by pointing to technical skills, but also to programming mindset, showing some best practices on how to avoid potential issues and stress situations from bad written code and many other things.
So either you are total beginner or ABAP-er with few years of coding experiences, this toolkit will help you move forward the right way.
- So are you leading your team? You are able to measure your team skills and help them move forward in predictable way
- Are you solo ABAP Beginner? You will be able to realize whether coding is really something where you can really invest your time and what are your exact next steps to move forward.
- Or are you already ABAPer? You will be able to get insights on your codes and I will help you improve so that you can become senior level developers much faster.
Get more information
To get more information about ABAP Academy Development Level Diagnostics Toolkit, fill in the form and I will get in touch with you directly via email.