ABAP Academy Advanced Training

for ABAP Beginners Looking for Junior Job Positions

Ladislav Rydzyk - Head Instructor in ABAP Academy

Clearly, getting professional ABAP development skills, is something you really care about, and it’s a really smart decision you’ve made by spending the time to focus in on trying hard to master them.

Either if you want to get your job as an ABAP developer or you want to master ABAP to enhance your SAP skills to increase your value on the market, then keep reading, because this is something, what can be valuable for you to know.

Based on all the feedback I’ve received from the students before taking ABAP Academy StarterKit Online Training, the #1 bottleneck while learning programming online is applying learned programming principles into real life projects.

Let me explain, what I have learned about this issue, they are facing.

Most often, they went through a training where they learned syntax + programming principles. Even though they were watching an instructor implementing demo examples, many times the result was the following:

When they started to implement their own project, they suddenly started to struggle! They did not know,

  • how to apply the knowledge in specific situations
  • to be creative and come up with their own solutions
  • to solve issues by themselves

I will tell you what\'s the outcome of that survey just in a moment. Before I do that, I will start with one important story: 

How I learned ABAP and WHY you should know about that?

This reminds me my own story, when I was coding my first paid software ever, back in age of my college studies.

It was already more 10 years ago, in my dormitory room. The sun was shining and summer was already coming. I was wearing my old college T-shirt and I was sitting on the chair in front of my CRT monitor and PC running old good Windows XP, with installed SAP GUI, which was connected to a company network, where I was programming the software.

\"Working(on that picture I’m coding something else, but, this is basically how it looked like ;)) ->

I remember it like it was today. I was sitting there and I was totally lost and depressed, because I was not able to move forward, even though I knew all the syntax and principles from the training, I took few weeks ago. I did not know what I was going to do. Anything I tried, didn’t work, even Google was not helping. I knew I had to do something, but didn’t know exactly what. And that\'s how I literally wasted days of my time.

Then I decided to call the guy from company, where I was taking ABAP classes and scheduled one-on-one meeting with him. I started to ask questions and did not let him go, until I really understood. And that was totally something new for me, because I was not thought for many years at school to ask questions and clarify the knowledge (well, it may sound silly for you, but it was like that).

Long story short, I was used to do all the work by myself, just me and my trusty computer day after day. When I started to work in a job, I had the exact same attitude. I just put my head down and started to do everything all by myself without thinking for asking any help. And it\'s not that big disaster. I was able to move forward, but very slowly.

And today, when I work on any project, I make sure that I always have some expert on reach. And this is my procedure: when I get stuck, I take max. 15 minutes trying find the solution by myself, if it does not work I take another 15 minutes by googling for the solution. And when I don’t get the solution in half an hour, I ask somebody who has got great skills and can lead me to right direction in few minutes.

All in all, being a senior developer does not make you only from mastering ABAP syntax, creating own algorithms, or even creating software architecture all by yourself, but you should work on your personality as well and master your soft skills such as communication is.

How Conventional Way of Learning of ABAP Works?

What people usually do when they want to learn ABAP programming on their own, is that they either

  1. take their time and patiently search for information and learn by themselves
  2. they invest some money to learn it much faster

Here are the options that you have as well:

  • read BOOKS, BLOG ARTICLES, ..: depending on what source of information you get, but in general, it is the longest way how to learn ABAP.
  • watch practical YouTube VIDEOS: it is much better, because you see actual programming on the fly, but still, you will spend too much time watching such videos and you can end up being messed up, just because, many times YT channels do not have their instructional videos structured in the way, to lead new ABAP programmers from the very beginning to some reasonable end
  • take regular ONLINE TRAINING: this is even better, because you get
    • structured video tutorials (+ many times with additional learning materials)
    • most often you get access to some forum where you can ask questions
    • you see examples of how instructor implements project right in front of your eyes

But you know what? For most people, none of that works really well! What do I mean by that?

How newbies gain skills? (and how I was helping them)

One of the big parts of my daily work was to mentor new people coming to company or to specific projects and instructing them to become a valuable part of our development team in as short time as possible. They had to go through our internal “onboarding online training” with practical examples.

Guess what happened, when they had to implement their very first project. Many of them struggled. They did not know how to apply some learned concepts into their project.

Why is that? All of them had the same source of information, all of them took their time and they learned it in their own speed. Shouldn\'t all of them be on the same level?

Well the answer is quite simple: This is general process of learning new things. And programming in ABAP is not the exception.


Here is the explanation: Research done by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom, published by American Educational Research Association, proved that the most efficient

teaching method is using one-on-one approach, rather than conventional instructional methods (for more information r

ead the whole study here).

And this is the reason why ABAP Academy decided to offer one-on-one mentoring approach in all their trainings (even in free StarterKit training) and we spend hours by consulting your issues, so that you can shorten your learning time as much as possible compared to conventional learning approach.

Personally, such approach helped me to boost my own skills to senior level programming approach. 


Introducing ABAP Academy Advanced Training

ABAP Academy is the professional online ABAP training platform, designed and reviewed by skilled SAP/ABAP experts with real life project implementation know-how. 

Topics covered in this training help you to open up doors to well paid job opportunities in low competition area, by providing you practical learning materials based on real projects and personal mentoring by ABAP professional.

This course covers following main topics:

  • 1
    Algorithmisation Techniques
    As we agreed last time, we will focus on this part primarily so that you can build mainly funcionality.
  • 2
    ALV Reporting
    Till this level you would already have knowledge of creating standard output in SAP environment.
    However, SAP offers richer output possibilities for displaying data from database tables. The most used approach is to use ALV output. It allows you to create output, which enables end users to easily browse through the data.

    In this module, you will learn about several possible approaches to display data on the screen. We will focus mainly on implementation of one exact and widely used approach to create ALV reports.

    At the end of this module, you will be able to create your own customer friendly data output on the screen.
  • 3
    Dialog Programming
    Often times, your programs will have to provide several screens with different data and logic on each screen. This makes your output logically structured in smaller and readable chunks. Creation of screens (or dynpros) with their screen flow logic is coded in ABAP using so called Dialog Programming.

    Dialog Programming is a huge and complex topic, suitable for completely separate training.

    I took a look at projects where I was involved and at the end, I picked the most relevant parts, which kept repeating again and again in each project, where Dialog Programming was required.

    In this module, you will learn the most relevant parts in this area, so that you will be able to create your own screen flow logic and provide to customer readable output.

    You will also see, what is possible to create using Dialog Programming, so that you will be able to design your own solution. And much more important, you will learn, where you can find inspiration or pre-coded solutions for your projects.
  • 4
    Dynamic Programming Techniques
    In this module, you will learn about dynamic programming approaches and possibilities of what you can do in ABAP.

    Why is this so important? Sometimes, your programs will have to decide in runtime, what variables and what database tables to use in order to fulfill its tasks.

    Even sometimes, you might get much more complicated task, where you will not be able to use even dynamic approach. I will show you "hacks" to solve almost any dynamic issue in ABAP.

    This module will show you practical approaches which you can easily copy and paste to your future projects.
  • 5
    Delivery to Customer
    Implementation does not end when you are done with programming.

    You need to properly:
    • package source codes and all the objects
    • test your created software
    • do the last check ups to make sure that your code will be delivered to your customer without any problems
    • deliver it to your customer (in this case it’s going to be ABAP Academy ;))
    • present your solution to the customer
  • 6
    Techniques for Readability, Maintainability and Stability of ABAP Programs
    It is critical for you to learn how to create readable and maintainable code in order to keep your software easy to maintain for future customer change requests or to easily handover your code to your team.

    I will reveal my know-how from real implementations and explain you tips and tricks for making your code readable, maintanable and stable. In this case, subroutines will be very handful. They help you keep your code clean and predictable.
    ABAP offers more ways of creating subroutines. In this module you will learn to create all of them. You will also learn when and why it is sufficient to use each ones.




  • 1
    SAP Ecosystem
    In this module you will learn about what SAP is, why it is on the market and how it is performing.

    You will learn about SAP architecture, SAP terminology and all needed things that will bring you into the topic, so that you will understand all the things you need to know as an ABAP developer.
  • 2
    ABAP Fundamentals
    This module contains all the topics from ABAP Academy StarterKit Online Training.
    You will learn how to create your library of help programs, which will make your life easier during any implementation project in the future and you will also implement your first ABAP project all by yourself.
  • 3
    Debugging Techniques
    Each implementation project takes some time. With knowing how to debug SAP software properly, you will be able to create and fine tune your programs much more effectively.

    In this module, you will learn how to use maximum potential of ABAP Debugger and to find issues in programs effectively.
  • 4
    Database Maintenance
    The heart of SAP is its central database, where everything is stored. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Seriously, even your source codes are stored in that central database. In this module you will learn:

       • how to create and maintain database tables
       • how to create and maintain all the objects that are part of them. You will also learn when it is sufficient to create each object and why. Here is the list of objects, we will cover in the training:
         - primary and foreign keys
         - data elements
         - domains
         - structures
         - views
         - includes
         - appends
         - search helps
         - lock objects
       • maintain data in database
         - how to create data in database tables
         - how to create database views upon multiple database tables
  • 5
    OpenSQL in ABAP
    Once you will master fundamentals in ABAP and you will understand how database tables and all its objects cooperate with each other, then you will learn how to access and maintain data in database, directly from your ABAP programs.

    SAP allows you to use several approaches to access content in database. You will learn all of them, because all of them are used all over the entire SAP system in ABAP programs.
    However, you will also learn differences in each approach, its positive and negative impact on your developed software. At the end, you will know, when it is sufficient to use which approach.
  • 6
    Customer Interaction within ABAP Programs
    Many times you will need to provide to end users some kind of interface, which allows them to change the behavior of your programs by providing their own specific input or even expected output values. You will also learn how to properly announce users on what is happening in your programs.

    At the end you will be able to provide the best user experience possible in ABAP programs.

    In this module you will learn about:
    • selection screens
    • variants
    • messages
    • search helps
    • authorizations
  • 7
    Performance Optimization
    ABAP has already more than 40 years. And of course, programming techniques and approaches has changed a lot since that time. The problem is, you will find wrong and good approaches to programming for the same solution.
    Some approaches are good for some specific implementations and some of them are even obsolete, but SAP keeps them still available just because codes need to stay backward compatible.

    In this module you will learn syntax, which allows you to create optimized code for performance.
    You will also learn how to measure and analyze performance of your software so that you will be able to fine tune your programs and boost their performance to maximum possible speed.
  • 8
    Techniques for Readability, Maintainability and Stability of ABAP Programs
    It is critical for you to learn how to create readable and maintainable code in order to keep your software easy to maintain for future customer change requests or to easily handover your code to your team.

    I will reveal my know-how from real implementations and explain you tips and tricks for making your code readable, maintanable and stable. In this case, subroutines will be very handful. They help you keep your code clean and predictable.
    ABAP offers more ways of creating subroutines. In this module you will learn to create all of them. You will also learn when and why it is sufficient to use each ones.
  • 9
    Dynamic Programming Techniques
    In this module, you will learn about dynamic programming approaches and possibilities of what you can do in ABAP.

    Why is this so important? Sometimes, your programs will have to decide in runtime, what variables and what database tables to use in order to fulfill its tasks.

    Even sometimes, you might get much more complicated task, where you will not be able to use even dynamic approach. I will show you "hacks" to solve almost any dynamic issue in ABAP.

    This module will show you practical approaches which you can easily copy and paste to your future projects.
  • 10
    ALV Reporting
    Till this level you would already have knowledge of creating standard output in SAP environment.
    However, SAP offers richer output possibilities for displaying data from database tables. One of the popular approaches is to use ALV output. It allows you to create output, which enables end users to easily browse through the data.

    In this module, you will learn about several possible approaches to display data on the screen. We will focus mainly on implementation of one exact and widely used approach to create ALV reports.

    At the end of this module, you will be able to create your own customer friendly data output on the screen.
  • 11
    Dialog Programming
    Often times, your programs will have to provide several screens with different data and logic on each screen. This makes your output logically structured in smaller and readable chunks. Creation of screens (or dynpros) with their screen flow logic is coded in ABAP using so called Dialog Programming.

    Dialog Programming is a huge and complex topic, suitable for completely separate training.

    I took a look at projects where I was involved and at the end, I picked the most relevant parts, which kept repeating again and again in each project, where Dialog Programming was required.

    In this module, you will learn the most relevant parts in this area, so that you will be able to create your own screen flow logic and provide to customer readable output.

    You will also see, what is possible to create using Dialog Programming, so that you will be able to design your own solution. And much more important, you will learn, where you can find inspiration or pre-coded solutions for your projects.
  • 12
    Delivery to Customer
    Implementation does not end when you are done with programming.

    You need to properly:
    • package source codes and all the objects
    • test your created software
    • do the last check ups to make sure that your code will be delivered to your customer without any problems
    • deliver it to your customer (in this case it’s going to be ABAP Academy ;))
    • present your solution to the customer
  • Project Implementations
    Throughout the whole training you will learn how to code, while you will watch me implementing projects.

    Throughout the training you will implement several milestone projects:

       • deep understanding of SAP programs, using Debugger
       • car store database setup project
       • dynamic database table project
       • .. and much more

    At the end of the training, you will implement final project called NSA blacklist (this is the project based on my first paid software in ABAP ever)

    Here you will learn and practice exact steps for successful project implementation from getting specification to your hand, all the way through implementation, testing and shipping to customer.
ABAP Academy Advanced Training Content
ABAP Academy Advanced Training Content Detailed Content - for better readability, you can download or view image here.

And the best part, you will be able to do it all by yourself!

10+1 Bonuses You’ll Get in this Course

That’s not all. You will also get the following bonus items in this training as well:

  • Access to the community of advanced students - ! You are not going to be alone in this ! You will have access to community of students, who will deal with the same issues and challenges as you.
  • Access to database of Code Review Sessions with ABAP expert after completing specific milestone modules
  • Access to Soft Skills Training Materials on how to move your development skills to the next level 
    • Communication with Customer
    • How to make sure that you understand what your customer wants from you in detail
    • How to make sure that your customer knows what you are doing in detail
    • How to keep yourself out of stress situations as much as possible in projects
    • Software Testing Principles
  • One on one code review sessions after implementation of overall final project
  • Materials ready to copy and paste with Performance Optimization Tips and Tricks
  • Materials ready to copy and paste Readability Optimization Tips and Tricks
  • Downloadable and printable materials with Programming Guidelines that will help you to code efficiently on every project
  • Downloadable and printable materials with Naming conventions
  • Downloadable and printable checklist containing steps for successful project implementation
  • Downloadable and printable list of all transactions needed for ABAP developer
  • Downloadable and printable cheat sheet with all the basic ABAP statements, every ABAP programmer should know
  • Know-how and Tools which will help you make your effort estimations much more precise

Notice: some of the bonuses will be available only after refund period

Special Bonus for Successful Graduates of ABAP Academy StarterKit Online Training

All graduates of ABAP Academy StarterKit Online Training get special access to mentoring calls, which is included only in the highest training package license. 

In reality it means that you will get on code review session call after each implementation module. Your mentor will go through your implementation and prepare detailed review with feedback on your work, tips and tricks on how you can improve your coding. You will also have chance to discuss and clarify topics that you will have some questions about.

Notice: this bonus is restricted only to 20 students at the time, in order to ensure that our mentoring resources are available with the best quality provided as possible 

How much does it cost?

The entire ABAP Academy Advanced Training – all the materials, program outlines, project specifications, materials based on real life projects – are broken into modules, to make sure that you don’t get overwhelmed and can easily and methodically grow your programming skills.

Anyone who will purchase it right now, gets access to the training with all mentioned bonuses (+special mentoring bonus for StarterKit Graduates) restricted to max. 20 students.

997 €
Full ABAP Academy Advanced Video Training
All Downloadable and Printable Bonus Materials
1 999 €
Full ABAP Academy Advanced Video Training
All Downloadable and Printable Bonus Materials
Access to Private Community of ABAP Academy Advanced Students
Access to Recordings from Live Q&A Sessions
12 999 €
Only 3 Seats Available!
Full ABAP Academy Advanced Video Training
All Downloadable and Printable Bonus Materials
Access to Private ABAP Academy Advanced Students
Access to Database of Code Review Sessions
Acess to Private ABAP Academy Mastermind Group
Personal Code Review Sessions for Direct Feedback on ANY Implemented Project
Flexible one-on-one Mentoring Support Available
Active preparation for ABAP job interview
Job Offers After Successful Graduation from the Training (max.3 job offers) - Pilot Version of the Service (Depends on your geographical location)
One month support during onboarding phase at your first job
Depending on your geographical location!

30-Day ABAP Academy Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

The training is backed by a 30-Day 100% ABAP Academy Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee, you can get yourself a seat to the training... and go through the materials entirely RISK-FREE...

I take the risk on my shoulders. In other words, don\'t decide if the training is right for you today... Instead, you can get access to the training program, ... go through the materials, and if you decide you like what you see... then keep it.

If it\'s not what you expected or doesn\'t work for you, I would not feel right keeping your money. In such case, just send me an email to ladislav.rydzyk@abapacademy.com for a full refund. I may ask you few questions in order to improve the training quality, but there will be no runaround.

And just to be clear, there are absolutely no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, ...  . No hassles or headaches... and we\'ll still remain friends, I promise :-)

Note: Money back guarantee counts from the day, after you will receive access to learning materials.

When does this special offer end?

There are only 20 seats available for GoFor JOB SKILLS License. Whenever all the seats will be taken, the offer will be taken off.

Now it’s your turn. Just give me your time and I will help you learn senior level approach on how to create ABAP software.

Does ABAP Academy Teaching Methodology work for anybody?

Let’s face it. There is never “one size fits all” solution for anything. And there are different reasons why even this training would not be suitable for you as well.

Just one example, which I hear the most. Not sure why, but many people still believe that they can master some topic only from watching training videos, even expensive ones. Sounds silly, yes? Unfortunately it’s so true. Let me tell you this.

NOBODY has ever become an expert in anything just from reading books or watching videos. Believe me, real experts were trying hard many times and for a long time.

So if somebody is looking for a magic formula that will provide experience with no effort, then this is not right training to take.

And here is what I like to hear and what motivates me. It’s when I get emails like this, from people who really tried hard, and they can see the ”fruit” of their work:

„It was a great opportunity to learn ABAP this way. This form of studying is innovative and definitely not boring like reading books. I felt motivated while going through lectures and I really enjoyed specific steps, how you reach my goals“
„I learned fundamentals of ABAP programming fast, because the way of learning in ABAP Academy is unique. I have learned best ABAP naming conventions and ways to solve problems similar to real projects. In one word - this course is best way to begin your career as ABAPer. I highly recommend it.“
“During this training I found what I wanted in program ABAP, the academic methodology, all Videos were with a good quality, language very understandable and the explication also were easy to understand and to practise with tips.
I liked the organization of Laco during programming.
I thank him very much for this training.”
Benamor BentebbaSAP HR Consultant
"If I had a mentor like Ladislav when I made my first steps in ABAP, my life would be much easier and I would be a much better coder and I would develop my coding skills on a much higher level. I spent so much time on solving "easy things"​, because I had nobody to help me out.
In my opinion, the role of a mentor is priceless (if a mentor is good, and Ladislav is a good mentor BTW :) ). A good mentor can save you an incredible amount of time and pain on the road to achieve your goals. Everything looks easy in ABAP - when you know how to do it ;) ... but when you don't - it looks like it is impossible to do it and when there is not so much information about what you need to do it's a real nightmare!
Ladislav is a good man, a good friend, and a good teacher. I've met many good programmers in my life so far, but there are not many of them which are capable of transferring their knowledge to other people."

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do junior ABAP developers earn?

Well, it really depends on your geographical location. However the rule is the following. You will obviously earn much more in the US and EU, than anywhere else. This is the reason why countries like US, Germany, Switzerland and other strong economic countries move their development centres to different locations with lower income rate.

That’s something we can’t do anything about it. This is how economics works.

But here are some tips on how to come up with at least some approximate number of what your value will be on the market in your country:

Do I get certificate after the training, which I can put into my CV?

Personally, I don’t believe in certificates, I believe in skills. Despite of this, I understand the reason why they exist.

So the answer is “Yes, you will receive the certificate after the training”, BUT you will receive it only when you will be able to implement project all by yourself, because then I see that you really mastered the topic.

If I successfully finish the training, will you be able to find a job for me?

This is my future plan to be able to help you this way as well, because when I will see that you successfully finished the training and all the implementations, I will be not ashamed to contact you with your possible future employer. However I can’t promise anything to you right now.

Currently ABAP Academy can connect you to companies looking for junior ABAP developers in the following countries:
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Slovakia
- Czech Republic

Depending on market demand and your skills, ABAP Academy may be able to offer you job offer.

Can I afford this right now?

At the end of the day that's a question you have to answer.

However, I can tell you that the strategies in this course will make from you valuable person on the market. Regardless of your geographical location, you will be able to ask for more money on hiring interview, than total beginner in this area, because you will already have experiences from implementing real projects already. And you will be able to prove it very easily.

All in all, investing in yourself is the best investment, which you can make, because it will bring you many times higher return of investment in the future and nobody will be able to take it back from you!

The pricing model is specifically designed to enable potential students to get started without breaking the bank ;).

There is even another possibility. Instead of one flat fee for the entire course, you can choose monthly payments as well. This makes it more affordable.

If you are just starting out and funds are tight, this package should help you. If you are out of US and EU market, and you see that this pricing model does not fit your geographical location potential and you really want to take this training, just let me know at ladislav.rydzyk@abapacademy.com and we together may come up with something that works for both sides ;).

Will this course continue to be updated? And will I get free access to future versions?

Yes! This will be the flagship ABAP Academy product and it will be updated on a regular basis. Once you are enrolled, all future versions are free at no cost.

I am really busy. I have full time job and family. Am I really going to make it and not get overwhelmed?

The course itself is being designed for people exactly like you are.

Whenever unpredictable events will come to your daily schedule, you can move your learning activity to different time. You can even postpone it for longer period of time. You will always have access to learning materials and to the community, so whenever you will need to ask question they will be there for you at any time + access to your mentor for your code review mentoring session is not limited to specific time as well.

And one more thing. Most often, people in your situation have problem to do things, which they would really love to do. Why? Just because they think, that once they master some area and earn well money from there (e.g. they are experts in technical consulting), they would lose, if they move to different topic.

The truth is, that you lose, if you don’t move forward, because your life is not only about earning money, but also about enjoying. And if you see that you would enjoy your life somewhere else, then I definitely encourage you to do so!

But at the end, you will have to make strong decision to take your time and start learning.
And for that, I will do my best to ramp up your professional skills as soon as possible to lead you to that direction.

How much time will this take?

Great question!

The course itself is being designed for people having to go through in about 1-2 hours per day. Moving this speed, you should be independently code in ABAP with help of this training program in about 2 months.

As far as implementation, that depends on your experience level, skill set and how quick you learn.

How often SHOULD I work on it?

See above. The more you work the faster you go.

If you're looking for a lazy way to get professional skills, this isn't the course for you.

But if you're willing to work HARD and follow a proven plan, you will gain senior level development skills much faster.

Now it\'s up to you.

However, if you give me your time and hard work, I will teach you senior level approach on how to create ABAP software to help you get high chances to get your first ABAP job.