How Getting ABAP Job Totally Changed Shubham's Personal Life

Even If He Knew NOTHING About ABAP Before?

Within 9 months, he went from knowing nothing about ABAP to start bringing well income to his family by becoming  Associate Consultant (+ SAP Global Certified) in NTT Data Global Delivery Services, Bangalore, India.

.. and even more - just read further ;) ..

.. by one of our successful graduates and his mentor.

Meet Shubham Dayanand Annadate and Ladislav Rydzyk

ABAP Academy Job Accelerator Program Graduate

.. from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Shubham's Mentor during the whole program phase

Ladislav Rydzyk - Head Instructor in ABAP Academy

.. from Slovakia.

.. lets start from the beginning .. 

What was his situation at the beginning?

\"I was very frustrated that time as I was the only one who was going to support my family after retirement of my father.

This was the time when I was about to complete my engineering studies in 2017 with computer science, but I was not having knowledge to get selected in campus drives.\"

Why has Shubham chosen ABAP?

\"I started to ask for suggestions regarding which technology to go into. I got so many suggestions like: Big Data, Cloud Computing, …And I got confused again.

It happened that I had the opportunity to attend SAP Knowledge Seminar conducted by SAP ATOS Educational Partner, and I learned that in SAP are plenty of modules and opportunities to build my career there.

At the end, I have chosen ABAP, because I saw great opportunity to use my skills from school and help my family to stay financially safe.\"

Searching for materials to start getting on interviews

\"The first thing I started to do was something that I guess, everybody would do in my situation.
I googled study materials about SAP ABAP but unfortunately, I was not able to find materials that lead me step-by-step from knowing nothing about SAP and ABAP to getting my job.

Many sites claimed they are for beginners, but at the end I found out that they required prerequisite knowledge and I was getting confused even more.

Especially when I was finding materials about reports, enhancements, smartforms, function modules, OO ABAP, … And I started to wonder where should I even start? Am I supposed to learn all this?\"

Power of Having Skilled Person Next To You!

\"Then I found ABAP Academy with the homepage text asking me “WANT TO LEARN ABAP?”. And there was mentioned their overview of steps to take:

And that’s what I exactly did!\"

\"In that time, they were offering their StarterKit training for free.
I received guidance and support in my installation process of the local SAP development system after I started to struggle.

Then I started to learn programming in ABAP. Since I was very new in this field, I was asking so many silly questions.

Ladislav was my mentor, he supported me and answered each and every question I had with full respect.

At the end of this training I was supposed to code my first project in ABAP ever.

And I did it! Even though it was not easy for me, but with help of my mentor I was able to make it!

I got confident that I can really do it!

Thank you Laco!\"

T.P.M. ABAP Academy Teaching Methodology

"I was lucky to enroll to ABAP Academy Coaching Program (back then it was called ABAP Academy Advanced Training), when it was firstly launched back in June 2017.

I was able to experience the power of ABAP Academy Teaching Methodology and I achieved results beyond my expectations!"

First Task was Surprisingly Not About ABAP

\"One of the first tasks in the program was surprisingly not about ABAP or SAP at all. I was supposed to write my reason Why I wanted to master ABAP and stick it on the place where I could see it each and every time I would be going through the program.

This small thing helped me to keep me motivated even when I was having hard days.\"

(Note from Shubham’s mentor, Laco: When I did read this motivation once more, after Shubham got engaged, it was rewarding for me seeing that the hard work we do in ABAP Academy brings great impact on lifes all around the world.)

"Even though all of my co-students were faster than me, I did not give up. For me it was 6 months of

  • studying
  • programming my Help Library Programs
  • asking questions within our community
  • mentoring and code review sessions via Zoom with my mentor Laco

I was allowed to move to the next module only after I completed each project in the training module."

\"Each learning module within the Coaching Program included:

  • Necessary Practical Theory Based on Real Life Projects
  • Practical Exercises
  • Help Library Programs
  • Specifications for Implementation Projects +
  • Progress tracking
  • Mentoring Time

I also felt encouraged by our community to move forward when I saw I was not alone.

And when it was really tough, the methodology system kept pushing us forward e.g. with encouraging posts, or directly by my mentor on mentoring calls.\"

Mentoring & Community Support

.. when things started to change ..

Honestly, it was not that easy for me to go through this program, because implementing projects was the hardest part, since I was not good in algorithmic thinking. But I did it!

My mentor Laco kept motivating me throughout the training and encouraged me not to give up when it was hard for me. And SUCCESS WAS COMING SOON!

SAP Global Certification

Success #1

\"After that I started searching for job, getting on job interviews and side-by-side I applied for SAP Global Certification to boost up my career growth even more.

My mentor and people from ABAP Academy team was helping me to prepare well for the certification test.

I was in small group of 6 people applying for the certification. I saw myself as I was way ahead of them, because I was not only having theoretical information, but already having implementation skills and insights to the best practices on ABAP implementation projects.

And then February 27-th 2018 came and I became SAP Globally Certified!\"

.. and of course, we were all celebrating Shubham's success ;)

Got Well Paid Job

Success #2

"I am grateful for the success that came after hard work and right directions of my mentor towards my goal."

His Family is Proud of Him

Success #3

.. and of course our ABAP Academy Community is proud of him as well ;)

The Biggest Success (aka. my favourite one)

Success #4

Remember his goal from the sticker next to his computer while studying ABAP?

Let me re-paste it here once more for you:

"... to marry my love I need to earn that much money, that I can impress her parents..."

Btw. I like the “impress” part the most ;)

Long story short.. Her parents were impressed enough :))

On July 30th, 4 months after he got employed,
Shubham got engaged with his fiancee. Wohooo! Congratulations!

And the shame part of the story? 

I realized that Shubham got engaged weeks after. 

Sorry Shubham ;).

Shubham’s Future Career Plans

\"My next goal is to get into ABAP on HANA and receive certification in this area as well.

Laco and ABAP Academy - Thank you for being a part of my successful Journey!\"

- Shubham Dayanand Annadate

(UPDATED) Recent Achievements

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We are here to help you build your ABAP career.

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