Here’s Why I Started The 15-Day
“SAP/ABAP Challenge”...
Hi, my name is Lad Rydzyk.
I’ve trained over 9,000 sales professionals, with over 34 Billion dollars in documented sales, in more than 151 countries.
I’ve been the go-to person when sales get tough for sales professionals and entrepreneurs for over a decade.
So when the world turned upside down at the start of 2020… my clients came to me in panic mode.
They found it difficult to get prospects on the phone... people stopped showing up for appointments… prospects became more skeptical and sales plummeted like a lead balloon.
But, they weren’t ready to give up just yet. So they looked to me for new ways to sell in troubled times.
I had a similar problem, but after experimenting with new sales strategies on my own sales team... I saw an immediate spike in sales.
When I implemented the same new methods in my client’s businesses... sales didn’t just improve -- they shot up beyond pre lockdown levels!
That’s when I knew I had to share these new selling strategies with sales professionals and business owners all over the world.

Here’s exactly what you get
when you join me in the
15-day “SAP/ABAP Challenge”
Component #1
Project Based Materials in format of Video Coaching to Help You Build Your ABAP expertise
€ 500 value

Component #2
ABAP Toolbox: 7 Copy&Paste Ready Code Templates, Guidelines Sheet Pros Use to Get Ahead
€ 200 value
Component #3
FB support group, whenever you got stuck you can ask for help guys who are going through the same struggles
€ 100 value

Component #4
Specification of project that you do by your own
€ 200 value
Component #5
Code Review Session with one of our 10y + experienced ABAP developers
€ 500 value

Plus, When You Register Today You Also Get these Incredible Fast-Start Sales Boosting Bonuses
Worth $1,800.00
Implement the ideas and strategies in these bonuses and you could start making more sales before the 21-day “More Sales Challenge” even begins!
Here’s what you get:

Fully Pre-Installed SAP system
SAP System that you can use as your sandbox system for practicing.
(This system has every functionality that you need)
€ 149 value

Early Access Interview Hacking Process Training
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€ 200 value

Soft Skills - Communication
On the code review session, your mentor will provide you extra session about communication with your developers. He will share with you his experiences and what worked for him. So at the end, it can be directly beneficial and you can implement it in your job.
In nutshell, you can also check what Ladislav is recommending to do in one of his blogs :)
€ 500 value

Quizz - What kind of developer you are?
Code Review Session with one of our 10y + experienced ABAP developers
€ 500 value

Crucial 80 %
Based on our Research we will share with you our know how. What are most being used ABAP principles nowadays.
€ 500 value

Algorithmisation Techniques
You will receive specifically designed materials that are going to help you understand algorithmization techniques so that you can get into a programming mindset even if you are not a programmer yet.
€ 500 value

30-Days Money Back Guarantee
Either you end up seeing huge value on how you are progressing, or you just send me a personal email to and I will make sure that we will send you all your money back.
€ 500 value
Are You In?
Here’s the thing:
If you want more sales... and greater control over your future... you MUST increase your sales skills - it’s the only way.
Do nothing and your sales will stay the same (or decline).
When you look at it like that, doesn’t it make sense to invest just $97 to get more sales in the next 21 days?
Especially when just one more sale will cover the cost of the entire challenge.
There’s simply no better way to increase your sales than with the 21 day “More Sales Challenge” and all the bonuses listed on this page.
Register for the challenge today.

What do others say?

Frequently asked questions
Are there any further hidden payments for licenses ..?
How much money do junior ABAP developers earn?
You will also receive instructions how to "infinitely" prolong the license of this system.
Do I get certificate after the training, which I can put into my CV?
I am really busy. I have full time job and family. Am I really going to make it and not get overwhelmed?
Do I need SAP system?
Are You Ready to Get Access
to Your StarterKit Zone Today?
Let us help You improve Your confidence along the way to grow Your Career in ABAP.

I ended here
What Can You Find in ABAP Academy?
ABAP Development
Unique Teaching Methodology
.. and it's still evolving.
Individual Code Review Session
NOT Good Choice For You If:
- you expect knowledge comes to you without work
- you want to learn pure theory
- you have already strong foundation of ABAP coding (then go here here)
- you don't have one hour a day
Great Choice For You When:
- you want to touch ABAP
- you find out the way how to learn as fast as possible
- you build your ABAP career from scratch
- you are SAP consultant and want to gain ABAP coding skills
- and much MUCH more...
ABAP StarterKit Training
is created for:
- total beginners in ABAP and in SAP environment
- newbies in SAP and ABAP, who want to learn ABAP by practising
- functional consultants who want to get better technical understanding of SAP software
- programmers who already coded in different programming language

Here’s exactly what you get
when you join me in the
15-day “SAP/ABAP Challenge”
Yes. But not in the way, that you watch the course and you expect to know everything.
This is action taking course. We are sure, that relevant skills you get only from sitting behind the computer and coding.
And this is how you will gain skills in this course:
- Learn How to Learnyou will build the most important soft skill - taking great notes
- Project Based Materialsyou will go through video materials with no need to watch them again
- Implement Codeafter watching programming lecture, you go to the system and start implementing the same code side by side with your notes
- Help Library Programsfollowing previous step, you will create your own Help Library Programs that will be there for your future purposes
- Final Project All by YourselfAt the end of the training, you will be challenged to implement final project all by yourself
- Code Review Sessionwhen you will be done, you just send your code to us and schedule Code Review Session
..and You Get Feedback From 10y plus ABAP Guys