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Finally: Discover how you can gain real programming skills in ABAP to start getting on job interviews, without learning unnecessary theory, even if you\'ve never coded before, How to avoid 5 biggest career building mistakes, all the Case Studies, plus a lot more...
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About Ladislav
Ladislav Rydzyk is the Founder and Head Instructor in ABAP Academy.
Since 2006 he has been involved in designing and implementing ABAP software, which is currently running in world wide known company systems like Nestle, Coca Cola, Nike, ..
He was also onboarding and mentoring newcomers to ABAP development teams and preparing them to become effective part of their development teams.
Based on his rich development and mentoring skills, he has prepared materials, which now are used to train developers in companies and help individuals to help them get ABAP job position in as short time as possible.
Here's What You Get on This Training:
- Discover the \"Unfair\" Advantage of ABAP Academy graduates: How you will be able to gain real programming skills without being on any real project, so that they were interesting for companies to get them hired...
- Avoid the 5 Biggest \"Career Building Mistakes\": The mistakes that newbies to ABAP make that keep them from boosting their progress in getting their junior ABAP developer job...
- Learn how to gain real programming skills FAST: Build your skills by focusing ONLY on what is really important to get you ABAP job as fast as possible...
- Discover how scientifically proven T.P.M. Methodology can boost your progress...
- How is it possible that people going through same study materials, don\'t get the same results (+ How you can take the advantage of this)...
- Find out what you should be prepared for when you get on job interview...
- Discover how you can get access to world wide known SAP companies that can potentially get you hired...
- Learn Why you don\'t have to be perfect: What skills you really need to master when applying for ABAP job...
- CASE STUDY: How 2 non-ABAPers were able to get their job in 2018 (.. it was not only about learning ABAP!)...
- Discover what institutes world wide forget about, AND you are able to find it in ABAP Academy
- ... and much more