Only 6 FREE spots left.
Only 6 FREE spots left.


Career Building Strategy Call

Whilst the Roadmap to ABAP eBook will get you started on your ABAP journey...

It’s what you do AFTER starting that will have the biggest impact on your future career.

And that’s where things can get confusing.

  • How much practice do you need to become job ready?
  • How to gain that experience companies are looking for even before your first coding job?
  • Should you mainly focus on coding or soft skills in order to get a well paid job?
  • How do you know that you know enough and that you’re ready to move on
    from reports to enhancements... from BADIs to BAPIs to object oriented programming... or even to apply for a job?

Figuring all this out on your own can often feel overwhelming.

That’s why I’ve made career building experts from our own internal team available for a free Strategy Call with you.

All you have to do is claim your 1-hour spot below whilst there's still a few places available:

Even if you decide you don’t need any help from us beyond the free strategy call...

You’ll still walk away with a personalized set of actionable ideas for your next steps boosting your career progress.

That’s my promise to you.

You have nothing to lose, just gain ;)

On this call,

an ABAPACADEMY Career Growth Expert will:

  • Uncover your best opportunities
    for growing your career with ABAP
  • Help you move in the right direction
    in order to avoid wasting your effort, time and money
  • Identify what you should be focusing on right now and in the future
    based on your goals and opportunities
  • Show you what it would look like having our team help you reach your goals
    to minimize failure and boost your progress

And much more!

Our goal is for you to experience the best 60 minutes at your work this week...

... and to walk out with an actionable strategy

that will help you move towards your career goal in the fastest way possible.

And the best thing?

It doesn't cost a cent.

Claim your FREE Career Building Strategy Call NOW: